Colorful Sensation Straight from the Heart 1 Dozen Long Stem Mixed Roses be happy bouquet Cushion Chrysanthemum Flowering Double her pleasure, double her fun with two dozen gorgeous red How Sweet It Is Rose Romance Stunning Beauty Bouquet White Rose and Lily Cube large 12 Red Roses 12 Yellow Roses A basket arrangement for a baby boy A Dozen Premium Red Roses A Dozen Yellow Roses A garden planter for a baby boy All Is Bright Bouquet alstroemeria, Anniversary Bouquet Anniversary Bouquet Asiatic lilies Asiatic Lilies Assorted Roses Happay Mother's Day Autumn Lights Azalea Attraction Garden Basket Baby girl plush Basket of Blooms Basket Pink Flowers Sympathy Baskets Sympathy/Funeral be happy® bouquet Be My Love Ben F Brown's Memorial Funeral Irving, TX Bereavement Basket Birthday Flowers Blooming Inspirations Holiday Basket Bloomington florist Bothell florist Bountiful Bouquet Bouquet flower mixed Breath of Fresh Air Brighten Your Day Brighten Your Day Burnsville florist Cane Floor Plant over 4- 5 feet large Castroville Florist TX Celebration Centerpiece Celebration of Life Standing Spray Flowers Charlotte florist Cheer Flower Bouquet Cheerful Hues bouquet Cheers to the New Year flower Chocolate Gift Christmas Flowers Gifts Christmas Pitcher Full of Roses Classic All-White Arrangement Classic Dish Garden Contemporary Anthurium Garden Dayton florist Dell Rapids florist Dish Garden Dozen Long-Stem Pink Roses Sweetest day Dozen Pink Roses by Irving Florist Eau Claire florist Eden Prairie florist Elegance 4 Dozen Red Roses Enchanted Cottage Eugene florist Every Day Counts Field of Roses Love @Romance Flint florist Floor Basket- White Floral Burst Arrangement Floral Burst Arrangement Florist Rochester Flourishing Garden Basket Flowers -Gifts- for all Occasions Not available Flowers Sympathy -Funeral Delivery Fort Wainwright florist Fragrance Vase Flowers Fruit basket Fruits & Flowers Fruits & Kalancho plant Garden City florist Get well/New Baby Hillsboro florist Holiday Planter Basket Hot Pink Basket Iowa City florist Large and tall Corn Plants Large Rose Basket Largo florist Lavender Roses bouquet Lexington florist Light in your Honor Lilies bouquet Lincoln florist Lolo florist Long Stem Assorted Roses Long Stemmed Red Roses Long Stems Red Roses Valentines Love & Romance flowers Lovely Orchids Loving Remembrance Basket Lush Lavenders Bouquet Luxury Flowers & Gifts Many Thanks Bouquet Marvelous Pinks Medium Sunshine and Smiles Midwest City Minnetonka florist Mixed basket for a newborn Mixed bouquet Mixed tulips Mother's Day flowers May-10th We open Mother's Day Roses Mother's Love Multi-Color Arrangement My Little Chickadee Newport News florist North Las Vegas florist Ocean Breeze Spray Flowers Orchid Plants Orchids Arrangement Purple Pacific Paradise Arrangement Palm Tree 4 ft Peace Lily Plant Medium lg Phalaenopsis orchid plant Pink Rose and Orange Peruvian Lily Bouquet Pink Rose Bouquet pinks bouquet Plants Plants Blooming Plants Plants White Garden Plants Plattsmouth florist Poinsettia 6" Poinsettia Plant Precious Heart Bouquet Premium Long Stem Pink Roses Premium Long Stem Red Roses Premium Long Stem Red Roses Pumpkin Bouquet Radiantly Red Tulips Red & pink Rose Bouque lavender rose Red & White Roses Red and white basket Sympathy Red Poinsettia Red Rose Arrangement Red Rose Bouquet red rose Happy Red Roses Red Roses Red Roses Vase Redmond florist Rose and Lily Cube Bouquet Valentine Rose Bouquet Rose Elegance Premium Long Stem Pink Roses Rose romance bouquet Roses Roses orange Rouge Romance Bouquet- Sea Spray Bouquet Flowers Send flower Valentine's Day In Irving TX We delivery Shining Heart Bouquet 6 Rose Delivery Irving Sioux City florist Small Spathiphyllum Plants Stargazer Bouquet Stunning Beauty Bouquet Stunning Beauty Bouquet Stunning Beauty Bouquet Summer Bouquet Sundance Bouquet Sunflower Sunflower w rose Sunflowers Sunshine Sweet Peace Sweeter Than Sugar Bouquet Sweetest Day Bouquet Sympathy Flowers Brighter Blessings Arrangement Flowers The Overgrown Garden The Season Centerpiece The Tropicala Flower Design Tower of Fruit Tulips Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses Ultimate Elegance 4 Dozen Roses Ultimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Red Roses Vibrant funeral Rose Wreath White Assortment Basket White Cushion Poms, Green Orchids cross sympathy White Roses White Roses Flowers Yellow Rose Elegance Premium Long Stem Roses Your Day Bouquet'Massangeana Cane' 4 ft plants-Dozen Red Carnations1 Dozen Long Stem Mixed Roses Teacher's gift- 1- Red Rose Single Rose w HVD BEAR1-800-FLOWERS® Bright Flower Basket 1/2 Dozen Red Roses1/2 Dozen Rose10 red tulips100 Premium Long Stem Multicolored Roses for Mom100 Premium Long Stem White Roses in a Vase100 red roses Special100 Red Roses Valentin100 rose100 Stems of Red rose100 Stems Red rose12 gerberas12 Hot Pink Roses12 Red Roses12 Red Roses Just because12 Red Roses with teddy bear18 Roses Happy Sweetest Day2 bouquet red rose wraped 2 Dozen Roses 2 red roses bouquet20 iris bouquet20 Spring Tulip In Vase20 tulips (assorted colors)24 Rose Bouquet24 Assorted Roses24 Assorted Roses24 large Red rose bouquet24 red rose24 Red roses24 Red roses24 Red roses24 Red Roses 24 Spring Roses 3 bouquet red roses3 Dozen Long Stemmed Roses 3 Dozen Long Stems Red Roses Arranged 3 Dozen Red Rose3 Dozen Red Roses3 Dozen Roses - Red3 dozen roses Sympathy3 Red Roses3 stems orchids4 Dozen Red Roses5 Stems of Premium Orchids 6 Hot Pink Roses6 inch Poinsettia6 long-stem roses 6 Red Roses 6 Red Roses Just because6 Yellow rose6 Yellow Roses7 Stems Pink Dendrobium8 iches MASS CANE8" Spathiphyllum Plant Peace Lily8in Massangeana Cane > St. Patrick's Day FlowerA basket arrangement for a baby boy.A basket of mixed garden flowers.A Beary Happy BirthdayA birds of PARADISE bouquetA Bit Of Sunshine BasketA Bit Of Sunshine Basket- Thinking of youA Christmas DozenA Christmas Dozen Red RoseA clear vase arrangement of pink and white flowers A Dozen Roses orangeA Dozen Bi-Color Pink RosesA Dozen Lavender RosesA Dozen Lavender Roses delivery in Irving A Dozen Mixed Roses Mother's dayA Dozen Multi Colored RosesA Dozen Multi-Colored RosesA Dozen Multi-Colored RosesA Dozen Multi-Colored Roses a dozen multi-colored roses A Dozen Pale Peach RosesA dozen pale peach roses A dozen Pink Light Pink Roses A dozen Pink RoseA dozen pink rosesA Dozen Premium Red Roses Flowers A Dozen Premium Red Roses ValentinesA dozen Red RoseA Dozen Red RosesA Dozen Red RosesA Dozen Red Roses A dozen roseA Dozen Roses YellowA dozen white roseA Dozen Yellow RosesA Dozen Yellow RosesA Dozen Yellow Roses A garden planter for a baby boy A glass vase of three Red roses w/ sm teddy bearA Pretty Pink A Pretty Pink DozenA Pretty Pink DozenA Pretty Pink DozenA Pretty Pink Dozen RoseA Special Birthday WishA Special Birthday Wisha-pot-of-sunflowers-41Abbott floristAberdeen florist Abernathy floristAbilene floristAbram floristAbundant Love Abundant Love Velentine Red Rose deliveryAbundant Rose Bouquet Academy floristAce floristAckerly floristAddison floristAdkins floristAdministrative Professionals DayAdministrative Professionals Week GiftsAdoring Love BouquetAdrian floristAfrican VioletsAfrican VioletsAfton floristAgua Dulce floristAgua Nueva floristAiken floristAIR-RANGEMENT HALF DZ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYLARSAkron florist Alabama-ALAlamo floristAlamo Heights floristAlanreed floristAlaska Alba floristAlba-Roses-1-3Albany floristAlbert floristAlbuquerque floristAldine floristAledo floristAlexandria floristAlfred floristAlgoa floristAlice floristAlief floristAll For You Bouquet All is BrightAll Is Bright BouquetAll Is Bright™ BouquetAll My Heart BouquetAll My Heart Bouquet Delivery In IrvingAll Pink BasketAll Red Centerpiece FlowersAll White Centerpiece FlowerAll White Holiday Centerpiece All Wrapped Up™ for the HolidaysAll-Pink Sympathy Standing BasketAll-White Sympathy Standing Basket All-White Sympathy Standing Spray All-Yellow Sympathy Standing BasketAllen floristAllentown florist Alleyton floristAllison florist Aloha florist Alpharetta florist Alpine florist Alpine RosesAlpine RosesAlta Loma florist TXAltair florist TXAlto florist TXAlton florist TXAltroemeriaAlvarado florist TXAlvin florist TXAlvord florist TXAlways a LadyAlways a LadyAlways a LadyAlways a Lady Always on My MindAmarillo florist TXAmaryllis Potted Plant - redAmazing DaisyAmerica The BeautifuAmerica The BeautifulAmes florist TXAmherst florist Amherst florist TXAn Elegant Tribute Casket SprayAnahuac florist TXAnchorage floristAnderson florist Anderson florist TXAndice florist TXAndrews florist TXAngelique Bouquet Angleton florist TXAnna florist TXAnniversary BouquetAnniversary flowersAnniversary Flowers Annona florist TXAnson florist TXAnthony florist TXAntioch florist TXAntique Lace Bouquet Anton florist TXApple of My EyeApple Springs florist TXApple Valley floristAppreciation Week Flowers Gifts, April 21-Secretary, Administrative Aquilla florist TXAransas Pass florist TXArcadia florist TXArcher City florist TXArcola florist TXArgyle florist TXArizona Arkansas Arlington florist Arlington florist Arlington florist TXArlington Funeral Home, Arlington, TexasArlington Heights floristArmstrong florist TXArneckeville florist TXArnett florist TXArrangement of mixed white flowers on an easel.Arrangement of phalaenopsis orchidsArrive In StyleArrive In StyleArroyo florist TXArt florist TXArtesia Wells florist TXArtful orchidsArthur City florist TXArvada floristAsherton florist TXAsheville florist Ashland floristAshland florist TXAshwood florist TXAsiatic liliesAsiatic LiliesAspermont florist TXAssorted cacti and succulents DishgardenAssorted orchids 8 plantsAssorted ORCHIDS plants Assorted Rose Assorted RosesAssorted Roses Happy Mother's DayAssorted Roses Mother's DAYAssorted Tulip BouquetAssorted Tulips, Assorted Tulips, Assorteed RosesAt LastAt Peace Bouquet Atascocita florist TXAtascosa florist TXAthens florist TXAtlanta florist Atlanta florist TXAubrey florist TXAuburn floristAuburn florist Aurora floristAurora florist Aurora florist TXAustin florist Austin florist TXAustonio florist TXAustwell florist TXAutum Rose Gift Basket Autumn GerberasAutumn Lily BouquetAutumn MedleyAutumn Passages™ BouquetsAutumn Reflections Centerpiece FlowersAutumn Roses autumn sunshineAutumn SunshineAutumn's Bouquet Autumn's Joy by Teleflora FlowersAvalon florist TXAvery florist TXAvinger florist TXAvoca florist TXAxtell florist TXAzalea Azalea (Large) Azalea Attraction Garden BasketAzalea Attraction Garden BasketAzalea Attraction Garden BasketAzalea Attraction Garden Basket Azalea Attraction Garden Basket Azalea PlantAzle florist TXBaby Boy Basket FlowersBaby Boy Bouquet with BalloonsBaby Boy Bouquet with BalloonsBaby Girl Bouquet with BalloonsBaby girl plushBaby's First Wagon Baby's First Wagon Baby's First Wagon Baby's First Wagon Bouquet (Boy or Girl)Baby's Wow Wagon Back To School Flowers IrvingBack to school Mix bouquetBacliff florist TXBagwell florist TXBailey florist TXBaileyville florist TXBaird florist TXBalch Springs florist TXBalcones florist TXBalcones Heights florist TXBaldwin florist TXBallinger florist TXballoons and a boost Balmorhea florist TXBaltimore floristBamboo in Asian Planter smallBammel florist TXBandera florist TXBangs florist TXBanquete florist TXBarclay florist TXBardwell florist TXBarker florist TXBarksdale florist TX Barnhart florist TX Barnum florist TX Barre floristBarrett florist TX Barry florist TX Barstow florist TX Bartlett florist Bartlett florist TX Bartonville florist TX Basket Bear ArrangementBasket SympathyBasket & Bear Arrangementbasket & bear arrangement Basket arrangement for a baby boyBasket arrangement with plush bear for a baby girl.Basket basket flowerBasket Bright & CheerfulBasket flower sympathyBasket Full of Daisies Basket Full of Daisies with Get Well BalloonsBasket Full of WishesBasket Full of WishesBasket Full of WishesBasket Full of Wishes Basket GardenBasket of Autumn Basket of Autumn Basket of Autumn Basket of Autumn Basket of Autumn Basket of Autumn Basket Of Beauty BouquetBasket of Beauty BouquetBasket of BloomsBasket of BloomsBasket of BloomsBasket of Blooms flowersBasket of BlossomsBasket of BlossomsBasket of Cheer Bouquet Basket Of Cheer Bouquet Basket Of Cheer Bouquet Basket Of Cheer™ BouquetBasket of Christmas Basket of Christmas Basket of Comfort Basket of FaithBasket of FaithBasket of GloryBasket of GloryBasket of Glory Basket of green and blooming plants Basket of JoyBasket of Love Basket of MemoriesBasket of SpringBasket of SpringBasket of SpringBasket of Spring Basket of Spring Basket of Spring Basket of Well WishesBasket Spring Basket SunflowerBasket traditional sympathy arrangementBastrop florist TX Batesville florist TX Baton Rouge floristBatson florist TX Baxter florist TX Bay City florist TX Bayside florist TX Baytown florist TX Bayview florist TX Bayville florist Be Happy BouquetBe Happy Bouquet Be Happy Bouquet Be Happy Bouquet FlowerBe Happy Bouquet with Roses Be Happy® BouquetBe Happy® BouquetBe Happy® BouquetBe Happy® BouquetBe Happy® Bouquet FlowersBe Mine "Valentine's Day" BouquetBe Mine Valentine BouquetBe My LoveBe My LoveBe My Love Bouquet with Red RosesBe My Love Bouquet with Red RosesBe My Love Bouquet with Red Roses valentineBe My Love Flowers Be My Love w pink lily not whiteBeach City florist TX Bean-Massey-Burge Funeral Grand PrairieBear florist bear hug bear with pink roses bear hug bear with pink roses largeBeasley florist TX Beaukiss florist TX Beaumont florist TX Beautiful Basket Beautiful Basket to Say Congratulations Beautiful Blush CorsageBeautiful DayBeautiful ImpressionBeautiful in BlueBeautiful in BlueBeautiful in BlueBeauty in AbundanceBeauty In BloomBeauty in Blue Beauty Red Poinsettia Basket (Lg)Beauty Red Rose & Lily Passion BouquetBeauty Shining Heart Delivery in Irving Beaverton florist Bebe florist TX Beckley floristBeckville florist TX Bedford florist Bedford florist TX Bedias florist TX Bee Cave florist TX Bee Caves florist TX Beeville florist TX Belen florist Bellaire florist TX Belle of the BallBelle of the BallBelle of the BallBellevue florist Bellevue florist Bellevue florist TX Bellmead florist TX Bellows Falls florist Bells florist TX Bellville Florist TXBelmont Florist TXBeloved BouquetBeloved Bouquet Belton Florist TXBen Arnold Florist TXBen Bolt Florist TXBen F Brown's Memorial FuneralBen F Brown's Memorial Funeral Address: 707 N Macarthur Blvd, Irving, TX 75061Ben Franklin Florist TXBen Wheeler Florist TXBenavides Florist TXBenbrook Florist TXBend Florist TXBenjamin Florist TXBennington florist Bensalem florist Benton floristBentonville floristBerclair Florist TXBergheim Florist TXBernardo Florist TXBerry BeautifulBerry Bright CenterpieceBerry Bright Centerpiece Flowers Berry Merry ChristmasBerryville Florist TXBertram Florist TXBest Sales Best Florist TXBest for MomBethany floristBethel Florist TXBethesda florist Bettendorf floristBeverly floristBeverly Hills Florist TXBeyersville Florist TXBiddeford florist Big Lake Florist TXBig Sandy Florist TXBig Spring Florist TXBig Wells Florist TXBigfoot Florist TXBigfork floristBiggs Field Florist TXBillings florist Biloxi floristBirmingham floristBirome Florist TXbirthday balloon basket Birthday Balloon Basket Birthday Balloon Bouquet Birthday BouquetBirthday Bouquet Birthday BrillianceBirthday CelebrationBirthday celebration birthday fireworks Birthday Flower CakeBirthday Flower Cake Bright Birthday Flower Cake Bright Birthday Flower Cake Pastel Birthday Flower Cake Pastel SmBirthday Flower Cake- PastelBirthday Flower GiftBirthday flowersBirthday Wishes Bishop Florist TXBismarck florist Bivins Florist TXBlack Florist TXBlack Hawk florist Blackfoot Florist TXBlackwell Florist TXBlair Florist TXBlanco Florist TXBlanket Florist TXBlazing SunshineBlazing SunshineBlazing SunshineBlazing SunshineBlazing SunshineBleakwood Florist TXBleeding HeartBleeding Heart with RosesBlessed Heart SympathyBlessed Heart SympathyBlessing Florist TXBlessings of the Earth EaselBlodgett Florist TXBloomburg Florist TXBlooming Bounty BouquetBlooming Bounty Bouquet Blooming Bounty™ BouquetBlooming Brilliance BouquetBlooming Brilliance BouquetBlooming Dish GardenBlooming Dish GardenBlooming Dish Garden Blooming Dish Garden Blooming Dish Garden Blooming Dish Garden Blooming Dish Garden Blooming Garden BasketBlooming Garden BasketBlooming Gift Basket Blooming Grove Florist TXBlooming LoveBlooming LoveBlooming Love 12 Premium Red Roses in Red VaseBlooming Love AzaleaBlooming Love Azalea Blooming Love Centerpiece Blooming Love Red VasseBlooming Love Valentine Day Premium Red Roses in Red VaseBlooming Love ValentinesBlooming Love- Red ROSEBlooming Love- RosesBlooming Love™ 12 Premium Red Roses in Red Vase Blooming Love™ Premium Red Roses in Red VaseBlooming Masterpiece Bouquet Blooming pink plantsBlooming PlantBlooming PlantBlooming Red Roses BasketBlooming Roses Blooming TreasuresBlooming TreasuresBloomington Florist TXBlooms BasketBlooms Bouquet FlowersBlooms of Beauty flowersBlooms of Love BouquetBlooms™ BasketBlossom Florist TXBlossoming Romance FlowersBlossoms in Vogue momBlossoms Vase BlossomsinVoguePMBlue & White Mixed Half Casket CoverBlue & White Standing Open Heart Blue & White Sympathy smBlue and White Sympathy Standing Spray Blue and White Sympathy Standing Spray Blue and White Sympathy Standing Spray Blue Caribbean Blue Florist TXBlue Hill floristBlue Hydrangea Blue Mound Florist TXBlue Ridge Florist TXBlue Springs florist blue yellow flower sympathyBluebird Blush Bouquet Flowers Bluebird Blush Bouquet Flowers Bluegrove Florist TXBluetown Florist TXBluff Dale Florist TXBluffton Florist TXBlum Florist TXBlushing BeautyBlushing BeautyBlushing BeautyBlushing Beauty Basket Blushing Beauty hydrangeaBoca Chica Florist TXBoerne Florist TXBogata Florist TXBoise florist Boling Florist TXBolivar Florist TXBon Ami Florist TXBon Wier Florist TXBonanza Florist TXBonham Florist TXBonner florist Bonnie View Florist TXBonsai combo mini Booker Florist TXBooth Florist TXBorden Florist TXBorger Florist TXBosqueville Florist TXBosses' Week 16- 20th Bosses' Week Dreamland Pink Boston florist Boston Florist TXBoulder City florist Bountiful BasketBountiful BasketBountiful Blooming Garden Basket Bountiful Blooming Garden Basket plantsBountiful Bouquetbountiful bouquet Bountiful Rose BasketBountiful Rose BouquetBountiful Rose BouquetBouquet for Baby Boy Bouquet for Baby GirlBouquet for Baby with Frame Bouquet for Baby with Frame GirlBouquet with Red Roses LGBouquet with RosesBovina Florist TXBowie Florist TXBowling Green floristBowman florist Boyd Florist TXBoys Are Best! BouquetBoys Ranch Florist TXBozeman florist Bracken Florist TXBrackettville Florist TXBradford florist Bradford Florist TXBradshaw Florist TXBrady Florist TXBraided Money Tree 4inBraided Money Tree smallBrandon florist Brandon Florist TXBrashear Florist TXBrattleboro florist Brazoria Florist TXBrazos Point Florist TXBreath of Fresh AirBreath of Fresh Air Breathless Rose Bouquet Breathtaking Beauty - 3 Dozen Long Stemmed RosesBreathtaking Beauty - 3 Dozen Long Stemmed Roses Breathtaking Beauty - 3 Dozen Long Stemmed Roses Breckenridge Florist TXBreeze OrchidsBremond Florist TXBrenham Florist TXBrentwood florist Breslau Florist TXBriarcliff Florist TXBridge City Florist TXBridgeport Florist TXBriggs Florist TXBright & Beautiful Bouquet Bright and Beautiful SprayBright Autumn CenterpieceBright BromeliadBright Flower BasketBright Flower BasketBright Flower Basket Bright Flower Basket Bright Sympathy Standing Spray Bright Sympathy Standing Spray Bright Sympathy Standing Spray Brighten the Day Rose BouquetBrighten the Day Rose BouquetBrighten Your Day By Irving Flowers Brighten Your Day Flowers Brighter Blessings ArrangementBrighter Blessings SprayBrighter Blessings Spray flowersBrighton florist Brileytown Florist TXBrilliance Bouquet Brilliant Meadow Basket Briscoe Florist TXBroaddus Florist TXBrock Florist TXBrockton florist Broken Arrow florist Broken HeartBroken Heart SympathyBroken Heart Sympathy flowersBromeliadBromeliadBromeliad Blooming PlantBromeliad Garden 10 inchesBromeliad PlantBromeliad redBromeliad SMALLBronson Florist TXBronte Florist TXBronx florists Brookeland Florist TXBrookesmith Florist TXBrookfield floristBrookline floristBrooklyn florist Brookshire Florist TXBrookside Village Florist TXBrookston Florist TXBrowndell Florist TXBrownfield Florist TXBrownsboro Florist TXBrownsville Florist TXBrownwood Florist TXBruceville Florist TXBrundage Florist TXBruni Florist TXBrunswick florist Brushy Creek Florist TXBryan Florist TXBryson Florist TXBubble Bowl Bouquet Bubble Bowl Bouquet BUBBLE BOWL Rose BOUQUET Buckeye Florist TXBuckholts Florist TXBuckhorn Florist TXBuda Florist TXBudding RomanceBudding RomanceBudding RomanceBuffalo floristBuffalo Florist TXBuffalo Florist TXBuffalo Gap Florist TXBula Florist TXBullard Florist TXBulverde Florist TXBuna Florist TXBundle of Sunshine FlowersBurkburnett Florist TXBurkett Florist TXBurkeville Florist TXBurleson Florist TXBurlington florist Burlington Florist TXBurnet Florist TXBurns Florist TXBurr Florist TXBurst of AlstroemeriaBurst of Alstroemeria Burst of AutumnBurst of Autumn Burst of BouquetBurst of Color Flowers burst of joyBurst of JoyBurst of Orange Dozen Roses Burst of Orange Dozen Roses Burst of YellowBurst of YellowBurton Florist TXBushland Florist TXBusiness Gifts Butte florist Byers Florist TXBynum Florist TXCactus Dish Garden- large dishCactus Florist TXCactus Garden large Caddo Florist TXCaddo Mills Florist TXCake, FlowersCaldwell florist Caldwell Florist TXCaledonia Florist TXCalifornia Call Florist TXCalla Lilies Callas- WhiteCalliham Florist TXCalvary Funeral Home Irving, TexasCalvary Funeral Home Irving, TXCalvary Hill Funeral HomeCalvary Hill Funeral Home Dallas , TXCalvert Florist TXCambridge florist Camden Florist TXCameron Florist TXCamp Verde Florist TXCamp Wood Florist TXCampbell Florist TXCampbellton Florist TXCanada floristCanadian Florist TXCandied Christmas Holiday BouquetCandied Christmas Holiday BouquetCandles of AutumnCane Floor Plant Canton florist Canton Florist TXCanutillo Florist TXCanyon Florist TXCanyon Lake Florist TXCaradan Florist TXCarbon Florist TXCare and Compassion SprayCarey Florist TXCarlisle Florist TXCarlos Florist TXCarlsbad floristCarlsbad Florist TXCarlton Florist TXCarmel florist Carnation BouquetCarnation Corsage & Boutonniere Package CarnationsCarnivalCarnival BouquetCaroling in the SnowCaroling in the Snow FlowersCarols by CandlelightCarols of christmasCarrizo Springs Florist TXCarrollton Florist TXCarson City florist Carthage Florist TXCary florist Casa Blanca Lilies BouquetCascading Bouquet Proms and WeddingsCasket Flowers FuneralCason Florist TXCasper florist Castell Florist TXCastle Hills Florist TXCat Spring Florist TXCatarina Florist TXCayuga Florist TXCedar Creek Florist TXCedar Hill Florist TXCedar Lake Florist TXCedar Lane Florist TXCedar Park Florist TXCedar Rapids florist Cedar Springs Florist TXCee Vee Florist TXCego Florist TXCelebrate Good TimesCelebrate in StyleCelebrate the DayCelebrate the Day! flowersCelebrating Baby GirlCelebrating Baby GirlCelebrating Mom Celebrating Mom Celebration of Life ArrangementCelebration of Life Casket SprayCelebration of Life Standing SprayCelebration Orchids Celebration TreeCelebration TreeCelebration WreathCelebrations BouquetCelebrations BouquetCelebrations Bouquetcelebrations bouquet Celebrations Bouquet Celebrations by Radko Ornament Celeste Florist TXCelestial LoveCelina Florist TXCentennial floristCenter Florist TXCenter Point Florist TXcenterpieceCenterpieceCenterville Florist TXCentral Florist TXCentralia Florist TXCestohowa florist , TXChalk florist TXChampagne Memories Champagne Memories Chandler floristChandler florist TXChannelview florist TXChanning florist TXChapel Hill florist TXChapman Ranch florist TXChappell Hill florist TXCharco florist TXCharleston floristCharleston florist Charlotte florist TXCharmed in Love BouquetCharmed in Love BouquetCharming Rose Bouquet Chattanooga florist Cheap Flower Discounts & Specials PlantsCheer UpCheerful Carnations Cheerful Wishes Blooming BasketCheerful Wishes Blooming Basket Cheery Gerbera Daisies Cherished Moments ArrangementCherished Moments Fireside BasketCherished Moments SprayCherished Moments SprayCherry Hill florist Chesapeake florist Chevy Chase florist Cheyenne floristChicago florist China grove floristsChinese Evergreen Chinese Evergreen PlantChism-Smith Funeral Home Address: 129 S O Connor Rd, Irving, TX 75060Chism-Smith Funeral Home Irving, TX Chism-Smith Funeral Irving TX Chocolate & Coffee Chocolate Lover's BasketChrismas Poinsettia Garden Basketchrista-rose-wholesaleChristmas BasketChristmas by CandlelightChristmas CactusChristmas Candy Cane Lane BouquetChristmas Candy Cane Lane Gift BasketChristmas CenterpieceChristmas Centerpiece W/2 CandleChristmas CenterpiecesChristmas CheerChristmas Cheer BouquetChristmas Coziness™ Bouquet Christmas Fkowers BouquetChristmas Flowers >By Golly, It's Jolly Flowers Christmas Flowers >Tulips and Pine Flowers Christmas Flowers >Tulips and Pine Flowers Christmas Flowers TreeChristmas Garden BasketChristmas Lilies and RosesChristmas PoinsettiaChristmas Red CarnationChristmas Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)Christmas Red Roses Christmas Rose and HollyChristmas Rose and Lily BouquetChristmas Rose and Lily BouquetChristmas RosesChristmas Roses BouquetChristmas roses BOWL with Holly Christmas Tulips Christmas Wreaths & Holiday SwagsCincinnati floristCitrus Burst BouquetCitrus KissedCitrus KissedClassic All White SympathyClassic All-White ArrangementClassic All-White Arrangement Classic All-White Arrangement Classic All-White CenterpieceClassic All-White Centerpiece Classic All-White Centerpiece Classic All-White Centerpiece Classic Bud Vase RosesClassic Bud Vase RosesClassic Bud Vase RosesClassic Carnation Arrangement Classic Carnation Arrangement. Classic Christmas™ Centerpiece Classic Dish GardenClassic Dish GardenClassic Dozen Rose Arrangement With Mylar BalloonClassic Dozen Roses Classic Fruit BasketClassic Holiday WreathClassic Holiday Wreath Flowers Classic Joy Classic Peace Lily Classic Romance BouquetClassique - Dozen Red RosesClayton florist Clearwater floristCleveland florist Clifton floristCody florist Coeur D'Alene floristColor It HappyColor It HappyColor RoseColorado Colorado Springs floristColorburst of SpringColored Roses BowlColorful SensationColorful World Gerbera Daisy BouquetColors Abound Arrangement New babyColors of Love - Blue Colors of Love - Red Colors of Love - Red Colourful Comfort Columbia Falls Columbia florist Columbus florist Come All Ye Faithful Christmas BouquetCome Rain or Come Shine Bouquet Concor florist Concord florist Confetti Present Congratulations Dish Garden Congratulations flowersConnecticut Contemporary Rose Bowl BouquetConway florist Cordova florist Corinth floristCorn Plant Corrales florist Cosmopolitan Flower Bouquet Cosmopolitan ™ BouquetCosta Rica floristCotton CandyCouncil Bluffs florist Country Basket BloomsCountry Basket BloomsCountry Days flowersCountry HarvestCountry Kindness Bouquet Country Pumpkin FlowersCountry Sunshine Country Sunshine Covington florist Cozy ChristmasCranston florist Crimson & White Standing SprayCrimson and Gold Centerpiece Crimson Crush BouquetCross Funeral/ SympathyCross SympathyCross with Red RosesCross With Roses SympathyCross with Roses Sympathy FlowersCROTON PLANTCroton PlantCrystal Cross BouquetCrystal Cross BouquetCube vase bouquetCuddle Up & Get Well Cumberland florist Cushion Mum PlantCuyahoga Falls florist DaffodilsDaily Special Daily/ weekly flowers Special ArrangementsDaisiesDaisiesDaisies and SunbeamsDaisies and SunbeamsDaisy A Day Bouquet Daisy Bouquet to say Get Well flowersDaisy CheerDaisy Cheerdaisy cheer daisy cheer daisy cheer Daisy Chrysanthemum Daisy Chrysanthemum (Large)Daisy Corsage & Boutonniere Daisy Day dreamsDaisy Day DreamsDaisy DaydreamsDaisy DaydreamsDaisy Delight Daisy Delight Daisy Dreams BasketDaisy PlantDaisy Pom Boutonniere Daisy Pom Corsage Daisy Vase Dallas florist Dallas Florists & Flower Shops in Texas (TX)Dallas, Texas (TX) Cemeteries, Funeral Homes Dallas, TX Funeral homeDalton & Son Funeral Home 1550 N Stemmons FwyDance with MeDancing In Roses BouqueDarien floristDashing BoutonniereDashing DaisiesDashing DaisiesDashing DaisiesDashing Daisies Davenport florist Dazzle Her DayDazzling Days Sunflower BouquetDearborn floristDecatur floristDecatur florist Deck the Halls TreeDeck the Halls TreeDee's Paradise Dee's Paradise Dee's Paradise Deepest FaithDeepest Faith Deepest Faith SympathyDel City florist Delaware Delicate DozenDelicate DozenDelicate Pink Casket SprayDelightful DieffenbachiaDelightful Dream BouquetDelightful Fruit Delightful Fruit Deluxe European Garden BasketDeluxe European Garden BasketDeluxe European Garden BasketDeluxe Fruit & Gourmet Basket Deluxe Tulip Bulb GardenDendrobium - White 5 Stems orchids plantsdendrobium orchidDendrobium Orchid 3 plantsDenver floristDerry florist Des Moines florist Detroit florist Dickinson florist Dish GardenDish Garden Dish Garden with Fresh Cut FlowersDish Garden with Fresh Cut FlowersDish Garden with Fresh Cut Flowers Dish Garden with PinksDishgarden Dishgarden with flowersDishgarden with pinkDivine LightDivine Light Sympathy CrossDivine Light Cross SympathyDivine Peace BouquetDivinity Basket Divinity Basket SympathyDonnelly Jr, AM - Donnelly's Funeral Irving, TX Donnelly's Colonial Funeral Hm Address: 606 W Airport Fwy, Irving, TX 75062Donnelly's Colonial Funeral HomeDonnelly's Colonial Funeral Home Irving, TXDothan floristDouble orchids Phalaenopsis Double Poinsettia BasketDouble Touch of Elegance 2 Dozen RosesDouglas florist Dover florist Downers Grove florist Doylestown florist Dozen Gerbera Daisies Dozen Long Stem Yellow RosesDozen Long-Stemmed RosesDozen Pale Peach RosesDozen Pink RoseDozen Pink RosesDozen Pink RosesDozen Red roseDozen Rose Presentation BouquetDozen Roses Dozen Yellow RosesDozen Yellow Roses Dr. Chicken Bouquet Dragonfly Bouquet Dreaming of ChristmasDreamland Pink BouquetDreams From the Heart BouquetDreamy Pink WristletDubuque florist Dulce DuetDuluth florist Dummerston florist Dunbar floristDunwoody floristDurham florist Eagle florist Eagle River floristEast Greenwich florist East Providence florist EasterEaster Bunny BouquetEaster Bunny BouquetEaster Bunny Bouquet Easter Egg-stravaganzaEaster Egg-stravaganzaEaster Egg-StravaganzaEaster Flower, Centerpiece, Plant Delivery in Irving, Grapevine, SouthLakeEaster Flowers GiftsEaster flowers GiftsEaster LilyEaster Lily PlantEaster Lily PlantEaster Lily PlantEaster Lily PlantEaster Lily PlantEaster Sentiments Lily PlantEaster Sentiments Lily Plant Edina florist Edison florist Edmond florist El Paso florist Elegance Bouquet Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted Roses 3 dozenElegant Bouquet Elegant OrchidElegant Orchid Elegant Orchid Elegant Red Roses Elegant Remembrance Standing HeartElegant Spathiphyllum plantElegant Traditions Bouquet SmallElegant Traditions Centerpiece FlowersElegant WishesElegant WishesElegant WishesElegant WishesElegant WishesElegant WishesElegant Wishes Elegant Wishes flowers irving, TXElegant Wishes for Christmas Elegant Wishes for Christmas Elkhorn florist Ellsworth florist Emerald Garden BasketEnchanted CottageEnchanted CottageEnchanted Garden Bouquet- Mother's Day FlowersEnchanted RosesEnchanting Tulip Bouquet Enchanting Yellow Dozen Roses Enchanting Yellow Dozen Roses EnchantmentEnd of the Rainbow Endless Sunflower Bouquetengagement roseEnglewood floristErie florist Essex Junction florist Eternal EmbraceEternal Light ArrangementEternal Light BouquetEternal Light Standing SprayEternal LoveEternal Rest Heart WreathEternal Rest Standing HeartEurope&trade Thank YouEuropean BasketEuropean BasketEuropean Basket Get wellEuropean Dish GardenEuropean Dish GardenEuropean Dish Garden BasketEuropean Dish Garden Plantseuropean dishgadenEuropean Garden BasketEuropean Garden BasketEuropean Garden Bouquet European Garden BoutonniereEuropean Sympathy Dish GardenEvanston florist Evergreen Memorial Funeral HomeEverlasting EvergreenEverlasting Lavender FlowersEverlasting Lavender Flowers Every Day CountsEvery Day CountsEvery Day Counts Every Day Counts Flowers Everyday Clearance Exotic Assortment Exotic Breeze OrchidsExotic Breeze OrchidsExotic Breeze Orchids Exotic Breeze Orchids Exotic Croton PlantExotic ginger Exotic GraceExotic Island Orchid Expression of LoveExpression of LoveExpression of LoveExpressions of PinkExpressions of Pink Expressions of Pink Expressions of Pink for MOMExquisite Memorial Basket Exquisite Orchid WristletExquisite Tribute Standing SprayExtravaganceFabulous Fabulous Fall Roses FlowersFabulous Flora BouquetFabulous Flora BouquetFabulous Fruit BasketFairbanks floristFairfax florist Fairfield florist Fairfield florist Faith Hill - Always Merry CenterpieceFaith Hill - Charm Her BouquetFaith Hill - Joyful Christmas CenterpieceFaithful FernFall Basket 3 basketFall CenterpieceFall Croton Plant Fall Daisy Basket Fall Daisy Basket Fall Daisy Basket Fall Fantasia FlowersFall Flowers Gifts IrvingFall for Daisies FlowersFall Harvest Fruit BasketsFall mixed flowersFall Rose and Lily Bouquet Fall Rose and Lily Bouquet Fall TraditionsFalls Church floristFamily Gathering CenterpieceFancy Free Bouquet FlowersFancy Orchids and Roses WristletFarewell SprayFarewell Too Soon Standing SprayFargo florist Farmington florist Farmington Hills floristFashionista BloomsFashionista BloomsFather's Day GiftsFather's Day Healthy Gourmet Gift BasketFavorite Flower Arrangements & Best SellersFayetteville floristFayetteville florist FEB 14th Valentine's DayFestive Holiday CenterpieceFestive Holiday Centerpiece Festive Wishes Bouquet Ficus TreeFicus Tree PlantsField of Roses ValentinesField Of Roses- Valentin roseFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of EuropeFields of Europe Fields of Europe ArrangementFields of Europe ArrangementFields of Europe Arrangement Fields of Europe Arrangement Fields of Europe Arrangement Fields of Europe Arrangement Fields of Europe Congratulations Fields of Europe for Basket FlowersFields of Europe for Christmas FlowersFields of Europe for FallFields of Europe for FallFields of Europe for Fall Fields of Europe for Fall SmallFields of Europe for Mom Fields of Europe for SpringFields of Europe for SpringFields of Europe for SpringFields of Europe for SpringFields of Europe for SpringFields of Europe for Spring Fields of Europe for Spring Fields of Europe for Spring Fields of Europe for Spring Fields of Europe for Spring Fields of Europe for Spring Fields of Europe Get Well flowersFields of Europe in Rectangle VaseFields of Europe RomanceFields of Europe RomanceFields of Europe RomanceFields of Europe- Thank You FlowersFields of Europe™ ArrangementFields of Europe™ for ChristmasFields of Europe™ for ChristmasFields of Europe™ for Fall Fields of Europe™ for Fall Fields of Europe™ for Fall Basket Fields of Europe™ for Fall Basket Fields of Europe™ for Fall Centerpiece Fields of Europe™ in Cube Vase Fields of Europe™ in Green Tin PlanterFields of Europe™ in Green Tin Planter Fields of Europe™ in Rectangle VaseFields of Europe™ in Rectangle Vase Fields of Europe™ in Rectangle Vase Fields of Europe™ in White Ceramic Pitcher Fields of Europe™ in Willow Basket Fields of Europe™ Romance Fields of Europe™ Romance Fields of Europe™ Thank YouFields of Europe™ Thank YouFields of Europe™ Thank YouFields-of-Europe Thank youFireside Basket Fireside Basket Fireside Basket with Gerbera Fishers florist Fit for a Queen Presentation Bouquet Floor Basket- Blue & WhiteFloor Basket- Lavender & White Floor Plant Floral Clutch Purse Floral Delight Floral DevotionFloral DevotionFloral EmbraceFloral EmbraceFloral EmbraceFloral EmbraceFloral EmbraceFloral EmbraceFloral EmbraceFloral Embrace Floral Embrace Floral Expressions Bouquet XX-4607Floral FantasiaFloral FantasiaFloral Garden BasketFloral Treasures BouquetFlorence floristFlorence florist Florence florist Florida Florissant florist Florist Albani Florist Binghamton Florist Buffalo Florist Choice BouquetFlorist Designed New BabyFlorist Designed BouquetFlorist Designed Bouquet Fall ArrangementFlorist Designed Bouquet Love and romanceFlorist Designed Get Well BouquetFlorist Designed Sympathy BouquetFlorist Elmira Florist Select BouquetFlorist Select BouquetFlorist Select BouquetFlorist Select Bouquet Florist Select Bouquet Florist Syracuse Florist Utica Florist Watertown Flourishing Garden BasketFlourishing Garden BasketFlourishing Garden BasketFlourishing Garden Basket Flourishing Garden Basket Flower BouquetFlower bouquet with roseFlower Heart SympathyFlower treeFlowers & Balloons Flowers and balloons Flowers for the ServiceFlowers Garden PathwayFlowers Magical MoonlightFlowers Magical MoonlightFlowers Rose RomanceFlowers Rose RomanceFlowers with plush bearFlowers-SunflowerFlowers® Elegant WishesFlowers® Fields of EuropeFlowers® French CountrysideFlowers® Rose EleganceFlowers® Timeless TulipsFor Fall Flower bouquetfor Mom bouquetForever BelovedForever BelovedForever BelovedForever Charming BouquetForever Fall FlowersForever HeartForever HeartForever in Love Valentine day roseForever Love Arrangement Forever Love Ceremony Aisle Décor 1 pairForever Love Window Swag Décor Forever YoursForever Yours Fort Lauderdale Fort Mitchell floristFort Myers florist Fort Smith floristFort Wayne florist Fort Worth florist Four Dozen Red Rose Funeral BasketFour Dozen Rose Sympathy Standing Spray Fragrance BouquetFranklin florist Freeport florist Fremont florist French CountrysideFrench CountrysideFrench GardenFrench GardenFrench GardenFrench GardenFrench GardenFrench Garden French Garden French Garden Fresh Fruit and Cheese BasketFresh fruit and gourmet gift basket.Fresh Fruit Basket Fresh Fruit Basket Fresh in Fuchsia BoutonniereFresh MemoriesFresh MemoriesFrom the HeartFrom the HeartFrom the HeartFrom the HeartFrom the Heart Fruit & Blooming BasketFruit & Chocolate Basket Fruit & Flower Basket FRUIT & GOURMET BASKET Fruit & Gourmet Basket for Sympathy Fruit and Chocolate BasketFruit and Chocolate BasketFruit and Chocolate BasketFruit BasketFruit BasketFruit BasketFruit BasketFruit Basket Fruit Garden's BasketFruitsFruits & Flowers Fruits and FlowersFruits Gift BasketsFruits of AutumnFruits of Autumnfrutteto-wholesale-rose-100 stemsFTD Devotion ArrangementFull HeartFull HeartFull HeartFull Of Love BouquetFun & FlirtyFun 'n Festive BouquetFuneral BasketsFuneral Flower Bouquets Rose Remembrance FlowersFuneral Flower Bouquets >Celebration of Life Arrangement FlowersFuneral Flower Bouquets >Loving Memories FlowersFuneral Flower Bouquets >Most Memorable Tribute FlowersFuneral Flower Bouquets >Vibrant Yellow Basket FlowersFuneral Flower Bouquets Rose Tribute FlowersFuneral Flower Bouquets White Callas FlowersFuneral Flowers Pink Sympathy Flowers Classic Carnation Arrangement FlowersFuneral Flowers >Graceful Wreath FlowersFuneral flowers All Things Bright ArrangementFuneral Flowers Wreath of Remembrance FlowersFuneral Home Near Irving, TX Funeral Flowers serviceFuneral Home Near Irving, TX Funerals and Memorials Irving TXGaithersburg florist Garden basket of green and blooming plants, DishgardenGarden Bouquet Garden Bouquet Garden Bouquet Garden Bouquet Garden Bouquet Garden Brilliance Garden Fresh BloomsGarden Gathering BasketGarden Grove FloristGarden in GlassGarden InspirationGarden of GrandeurGarden of GrandeurGarden ParadeGarden PathwayGarden PathwayGarden PathwayGarden PathwayGarden planter for a baby girlGarden Rhapsody CenterpieceGarden SprayGarden Topiary Garden Topiary Garden Topiary Garden Topiary Garden Topiary Garden Topiary PinkGarden Topiary- YellowGarden's Paradise BasketGarden's Paradise™ BasketGarden-Basket get well flowersGarland florist Gentle Thoughts SprayGentle Thoughts SprayGeorgia GerberaGerberaGerbera BasketGerbera Boutonniere Gerbera Corsage Gerbera VaseGerbera Vase Germantown florist Get Well FlowersGET WELL GREEN PLANT WITH BALLOON Get Well Green Plant with Balloon Just becauseGetwell Basket Let the Sunshine In Getwell Warmest Wishes FlowersGift BasketsGilbert floristGillette florist Girls Are Great!™ BouquetGiving Thanks Bouquet Gladiolus Basket for Sympathy Gladiolus, Pink Snapdragons & Pink AlstroemeriaGlamorousGlen Burnie florist Glendale floristGlorious ChristmasGlorious Christmas Glorious Christmas FlowersGlory Be ArrangementGlowing Tribute Standing SprayGoden day basket flowerGolden Autumn BouquetGolden Bouquet SunflowerGolden Celebration Centerpiece Golden Celebration Centerpiece Golden Celebration Centerpiece Golden Day BasketGolden Days BasketGolden Gate Funeral Home Dallas, TXGolden IlluminationsGolden IlluminationsGolden LightsGolden Memories ArrangementGood Thoughts Bouquet Goose Creek florist Gorgeous GerberasGourmet Fruit BasketGourmet Fruit BasketGourmet Fruit BasketGourmet Greetings Gourmet Picnic BasketGourmet Picnic BasketGraceful Beauty Phalaenopsis Orchid Graceful Heart TributeGraceful Orchids CorsageGraceful Tribute Heart FlowersGraceful TulipsGraceful WreathGracious Lavender Basket- Best SaleGraduation Flowers Grafton floristGrand Forks florist Grand Gerbera DaisiesGrand Island florist Grand Prairie Funeral HomeGrandparents' DayGrapevine floristGreat Falls florist Green and blooming plantsgreen and blooming plantsGreen Bay florist Green Dendrobium Orchids, Hydrangea & Fuji Mums Standing SprayGreen Garden BasketGreen PlantGreen Plant Green Plant medimumGreen Plant tall Plants 4 feetGreen River florist Green RosesGreenfield floristGreensboro florist Greenville floristGreenville florist Greenwich florist Greenwood Village floristGresham florist Gretna florist Grove Hill Funeral Home Dallas TXGuerrero-Dean Funeral Home Grand PrairieGuilford florist Gulfport florist H.B.Day 12 Red Roses Half Dozen Pink Roses Arranged Halloween Flowers Gifts Irving (10/31)Halloween TreatHand Tie- Flower Mixed Tropical bouquetHandbag of BloomsHandbag of Blooms Handbag of Blooms Handbag of Blooms Handbag of Blooms Handbag of Blooms for MOMHandbag of Blooms™ Hanukkah 12/1 - 12/9Happy Birthday Assorted Roses, Happy Birthday Assorted Roses, 12- StemsHappy Birthday Cake Happy Day Bouquet Happy Gerbera Daisy BouquetHappy Gerbera Daisy Bouquet Happy Harmony BouquetHappy Hearts BouquetHappy Hearts BouquetHappy Holidays CenterpieceHappy Hydrangea Happy Hydrangea Happy Mother day rose bouquetHappy Pitcher Perfect BouquetHappy Thoughts BouquetHappy Valentine Day a Dozen Lavender Roses BouquetHappy Valentine Day Rose Bouquet Happy Valentine's Day 12 Red RosesHappy Valentine's Day Blooming Love Red Roses in Red VaseHarrisburg florist Harrisburg florist Hartford florist Harvest Heartstrings Bouquet Harvest Rose Bouquet Harvest Spice Bouquet Harvest Traditions BouquetHattiesburg florist Hawaii Healthy Gourmet BasketHeart Bouquet-ValentineHeart rosesHeart rosesHeart Standing Spray Heart SympathyHeart wreath spray sympathyHeart's Delight Heartfelt Bouquet lgHeartfelt Bouquet Valentine's FlowersHeartfelt Sympathies WreathHearts Eternal WreathHearts in BloomHeat Wave Heavenly and HarmonyHeavenly HamptonsHeavenly Hamptons Heavenly Heights BouquetHeavenly Heights BouquetHeavenly Hues BouquetHello SunshineHenderson floristHERMOSA-ROSE1High Point florist Highlands Ranch floristHillsboro florist Hilo floristHip Hip Hooray Bouquet Hobbs florist Hockessin florist Holiday Amaryllis smallHoliday Bliss™ BouquetHoliday Celebrations® Bouquet Holiday Centerpiece with Glass Hurricane Holiday Cheer Centerpiece with Glass Hurricane Holiday EleganceHoliday EleganceHoliday Enchantment™ BouquetHoliday Flower TreeHoliday Flower treeHoliday Flower Tree Holiday Flower Tree Holiday Flower Tree FlowersHoliday Fruit BasketHoliday Fruit Basketholiday happinessHoliday Homecoming BasketHoliday Hopes Bouquet Holiday MagicHoliday Magic FlowersHoliday Planter BasketHoliday planter basket mediumHoliday PoinsettiaHoliday rosesHolidays CenterpieceHolidays Mixed Bouquet Holly Springs floristHome for the Holidays BouquetHome is Where the Heart Is Honolulu floristHooksett floristHoover floristHope and Harmony SprayHope and Honor BasketHope and Honor CrossHope and Honor CrossHope and Honor WreathHope and Honour Basket Hopeful Pink BasketHopeful Pink Basket Horn Lake florist Hospitals and Medical Centers Dallas, TexasHot Pink Rose ArrangementHot Pink RosesHot Pink TulipsHot Springs floristHouma floristHousewarmingHouston florist Houston florist Houston floristsHow Sweet It IsHow Sweet It IsHow Sweet It Is FlowersHow Sweet It Is FlowersHug Me Tender Valentine's Day Bouquet Hughes Family Tribute CenterHugs and KissesHugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses FlowersHugs from the Heart Valentine's Day Rose Bouquet with Bear Huntington florist Huntsville floristHurricane floristHydrangeaHydrangeaI Adore You Bouquet 3 Dozen Red Roses I Adore You Bouquet LoveI Love YouI'm Blue When I'm Not With YouI'm Blue When I'm Not With YouI'm Blue When I'm Not With YouI'm sorry flower bouquetI'm Sorry FlowersIdaho Idaho Falls florist Illinois In Her Honor Casket SprayIn Loving Memory SprayIn shades of pinkIncredible IrisIndependence Day Flowers - July 4thIndependence florist Indiana Indianapolis floristInfinite LoveInternational Deliveries FlowersInternational Women's Day Flowers & Gifts 03-08 Iowa Iris BouquetIrivng florist, Texas floralIrresistible Love Rose BouquetIrresistible Love™ Rose Bouquetirvin floristIrvine FloristIrving florist Irving Large Red Rose basket deliveryIrving roseIrving, TX Floral Holidays Isle of WhiteIt Had to Be YouIt is Your Happy Birthday Cake It's a Boy! Basket it's a boy!" basket It's All About YouIt's All About YouIt's All About YouIt's All About YouIt's All About YouIt's All About YouIt's All About YouIt's All About You Congratrulations It's All About You flowersIt's All About You/ CongratulationsIt's Your Day Bouque Happy BirthdayIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day BouquetIt's Your Day Bouquet It's Your Day Bouquet It's Your Day Bouquet It's Your Day Bouquet Back to SchoolIt's Your Day Bouquet Thank You Its-Your-Day-BouquetJ.E. Foust & Son Funeral Home Grapevine, TXJackson florist Jacksonville florist Jamestown florist Jazzy CubeJeep Wrangler FlowersJeffersonville florist Jenks florist Jersey City florist Jeter & Son Funeral Home Johnston florist Jolly Holiday Tulips FlowerJonesboro floristJoy Of Roses BouquetJoy Of Roses BouquetJoy Of Roses BouquetJoy to the World BouquetJoyful & TriumphantJoyful Christmas Centerpiece Joyful Roses and Daisies Joyous Birthday Basket Jubilee Basket jubilee basket Jubilee Basket Juneau floristJuniper BonsaiJuniper Bonsai miniJust Because FlowersJust for YouKalanchoe 6 inches Kalanchoe in Green pot smallKalispell florist Kanapolis floristsKansas Kansas City florist Kansas City florist Kenai floristKennebunk florist Kenner florist Kenosha floristKensington florist Kentucky Key to My HeartKing's Red Rose BoutonniereKirkland florist Kiss of the RoseKiss of the RoseKiss of the RoseKnoxville florist Kuna florist La Vista florist Labor Day Flowers Sep 7thLady in PinkLafayette florist Lake Oswego floristLakewood floristLansing florist Laramie florist Lare Red Rose Bouquet Valentine Large Basket Large Basket GardenLarge Basket GardenLarge Double Poinsettia basket Large european GardenLarge fall basketLarge Fall BouquetLarge red poinsettia Large Red Rose Basket Large Simply CymbidiumLarge Spathiphyllum PlantLarge Spathiphyllum Plant 10"Large Spathiphyllum Plantslarge Spring Mixed rose Mother DayLarge Sunflowers Fall BouquetLarge Sunshine Large Sunshine and SmilesLarge Sunshine and SmilesLarge Sunshine and SmilesLarge Sunshine and SmilesLarge Tropical Arrangement large-Autumn Rose & Lily BouquetLas Cruces florist Las Vegas florist Las Vegas florist Laurel Land Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Dallas, TXLavendar DreamsLavender & White Half Casket CoverLavender and White Standing Spray Lavender and White Standing Spray Lavender and White Standing Spray Lavender Bouquet Lavender DreamsLavender DreamsLavender DreamsLavender DreamsLavender DreamsLavender DreamsLavender DreamsLavender Dreams Lavender Dreams Lavender Dreams- Medium flowersLavender Fields Mixed Flower Bouquet Lavender flower SympathyLavender Love BouquetLavender Ocean Song Rose Lavender Phalaenopsis OrchidLavender Phalaenopsis OrchidLavender Phalaenopsis OrchidLavender Phalaenopsis OrchidLavender Phalaenopsis OrchidLavender Phalaenopsis Orchidlavender phalaenopsis orchid Lavender Phalaenopsis Orchid Lavender Plaid Bouquet Lavender Plaid Bouquet Lavender Plaid Tulip BouquetLavender Reminder BasketLavender Reminder Basket Lavender roseLavender Rose BouquetLavender Rose HeartLavender Rose Presentation Bouquet Lavender Rose, Tulip & Hydrangea Boutonniere Lavender Rose, Tulip & Hydrangea Corsage Lavender Rose, Tulip & Hydrangea Corsage Lavender RosesLavender RosesLavender RosesLavender RosesLavender Roses and Moonlight BouquetLavender WishesLavender Wreath SympathyLavender_Plaid_TulipLavish LiliesLawrence florist Lawrenceville florist Layton florist Leawood florist Lees Summit florist Lenexa florist Let It SnowLet It Snow Flowers Let Love In Valentine's Day BouquetLet Love In Valentine's Day BouquetLet’s Be Buds Arrangement Levittown florist Lewes florist Lewiston florist Lg -All My Heart Bouquet Valentine roselg Phalaenopsis OrchidLiberty florist Light & Love Holiday CenterpieceLight & Love Holiday Centerpiece-M sizeLight In Your Honor Arrangement Funeral flowersLight up the HolidaysLiliesLiliesLilies # 2Lilies BouquetLilies FlowersLilly and Tulip BouquetLily Wreath Lily and Rose Tribute SprayLily Basket funeral Lily Bouquet Lily Garden Lily Pink Lily SunshineLily Sunshine Lily Topiary Lincoln florist Little Chickadee Little Miss Pink™ BouquetLittle Rock floristLittleton floristLivonia florist London florist Londonderry florist Long Beach Florist Long Island City florist Long Stem Assorted RosesLong Stem Lavender RosesLong Stem Mixed RosesLong Stem Multicolored RosesLong Stem Multicolored Roses, 24 StemsLong Stem Multicolored Roses,-24 Stems Long Stem Pink Rose Long Stem Pink Rose BouquetLong Stem Pink Rose Bouquet 24Long Stem Red RosesLong Stem Red RosesLong Stem Red Roses Long Stem Red Roses Long Stem Red Roses long stem Red Roses Long Stem Red Roses Delivery in IrvingLong Stem Red Roses, 24 Stems Long Stem Roses – Red Long Stemmed Red RosesLong Stemmed RosesLong Stemmed Roses Long Stemmed Roses xoxoLong-Stem Roses and Lilies Arrangement Vase varietyLong-Stem Roses and Lilies Arrangement( Vase Variety)Los Angeles floristLOTSA LOVE FOR A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lotsa Love Happy Birthday Lotsa Love™Louisiana Louisville florist Love And Romace 2 Dozen red roses ArrangementsLove and Romantic BouquetLove BouquetLove BouquetLove Bouquet with Red Roses Love Eternal HeartLove In BloomLove In Bloom BouquetLove In Bloom Bouquet Love Medley Bouquet with Red RosesLove Mom BouquetLove Struck BouquetLove Tedy BearLove That Pink Bouquet with RosesLove Wonder™ BouquetLove's Divine Love's Embrace Roses w /sm HVDAY bearLove's Embrace™ Roses Love's Embrace™ Roses Love's Embrace™ Roses Love-Adoration-BouquetLove-Struck Rose BouquetLoveliestLovely and LuminousLovely LadyLovely Lavender Dozen RosesLovely Lilieslovely liliesLovely LiliesLovely LiliesLovely Mom RosesLovely Pink BouquetLoves First BloomLove’s EmbraceLoving Beauty BouquetLoving Heart SympathyLoving Heart TributeLoving Lilies & Roses Loving MemoriesLoving Memories Loving Remembrance BasketLoving Remembrance WreathLoving Sympathy ArrangementLoving Sympathy BasketLoving Thoughts Bouquet Lucas Funeral Home Embalming Address: 1321 Precinct Line Rd, Hurst, TX 76053Lucas Funeral Home in Hurst, TX 1321 Precinct Line Road Lucky Bamboo Lucky Bamboo PlantsLucky Bean bonsaiLuminous Lilies CenterpieceLuminous Lilies CenterpieceLuminous Lilies CenterpieceLuscious Green Garden Basket Luscious Green Garden Basket Luxurious Handtied Bouquet Luxurious Handtied Bouquet Luxurious Handtied Bouquet Luxury One and a Half Dozen RosesLuxury One Dozen Red Roses BundleMadison florist Madly in Love Bouquet Magical MoonlightMagical MoonlightMagical MoonlightMagnificent Bouquet Magnificent Mauves BouquetMagnificent Mixed Dozen Roses Maine Majestic FallMajestic FallMajestic GloryMajestic Heart Majestic Heart sympathyMake a WishMake a WishMake a Wish Make Her Day BouquetMake Lemonade in a VaseMake Lemonade in a Vase Make Lemonade in a Vase Make Lemonade in a Vase Make Lemonade in a Vase Make Lemonade in a Vase Make Lemonade™ in a Pitcher Make Lemonade™ in a VaseMake Lemonade™ in a Vase Make Me Blush Flowers Make Their Day BouquetMake Their Day BouquetMake Their Day BouquetMake Their Day Bouquet Make Their Day Bouquet Make Their Day Bouquet Make Their Day Bouquet Manchester florist Mandan florist Many Thanks Bouquet March's RoseMarietta florist Marvelous Pinks Maryland Massachusetts Maumelle floristMc Lean florist Meant to Be Rose Bouquet with BearMedium centerpieceMedium Spathiphyllum PlantMedium Spathiphyllum Plant medium spathiphyllum plant 8"Medium Spathiphyllum Plant 8"Medium Sunshine and SmilesMedium Sunshine and SmilesMedium Sunshine Mixed colorful BouquetMemorial Arrangement Memorial Arrangement Memorial Day Flowers & Gifts IrvingMemories of ParadiseMemories of ParadiseMemories of ParadiseMemphis florist Mercury Glass Bowl BouquetMercury Glass Bowl Bouquet Flowers Meridian florist Merrimack florist Merry & Bright™ Bouquet Merry Everything" Present Bouquet Merry Mistletoe BouquetMesa floristMetairie florist Mexican Mother's Day Impress BouquetMexican Mother's Day May 10thMexico floristMi Amor Miami floristMichigan Middletown florist Midnight Frost BouquetMidnight Frost BouquetMille de Fleurs UrnMillsboro florist Milwaukee florist mini Calla Lily BouquetMini Phalaenopsis OrchidMini Phalaenopsis Orchid Mini Rose CubeMinneapolis florist Minnesota Minot floristMississippi Missoula floristMissouri mix of fresh flowers Mix of green plants in a basketMixed 1 dozen longstem roseMixed a dozen roseMixed Basket Mixed basket for a newbornMixed Bouquetmixed bouquetMixed Bouquet Orange Flower With roseMixed bouquetsMixed Color RoseMixed daisy in vaseMixed Flower bouquetMixed flower bouquetMixed flower in a handled basket sympathyMixed flower Spray SympathyMixed flower SympathyMixed FlowersMixed Flowers Gifts Irving, Texas (TX) Florist, Flower Shop Delivery Mixed Flowers Mother dayMixed foliage basket Mixed foliage basket Mixed garden flowers in a clear vase.Mixed Gerbera DaisiesMixed LiliesMixed lily in vaseMixed lily in vase largeMixed longstem Red Roses ValentineMixed Pink Rose Bouquet Mixed Pinks BouquetMixed Pinks in Clear Glass Mixed roseMixed Rose ArrangementMixed rose colorMixed RosesMixed sunflower BasketMixed tropical flower SympathyMixed TulipsMixed White and Purple flower SympathyMobile floristModern Embrace - Rose and Lily CubeModern Embrace Red RoseModern Embrace White Rose and Lily Cube Modern Enchantment™ For FallModern Enchantment™ for Fall Modern LoveModern OrchidModern Roses - One Dozen Assorted Modern Roses - One Dozen Assorted Modern Roses - One Dozen Orange Modern Roses - One Dozen Pink Modern Roses - One Dozen Pink Modern Roses - One Dozen Pink Modern Roses - One Dozen Red Modern Roses - One Dozen Red Modern Roses - One Dozen Red Modern Roses - One Dozen Yellow modern-sunshine-14Mom BouquetMom BouquetMom's Butterfly Bouquet - By Irving Flowers & GiftsMom's Favorite RosesMom's Tea Party BrightMom's Tea Party FlowersMOM, Grandma, Sitser, Wife Flowers Gifts MOM-Grandma, Sister, Wife Mother's Day Flowers GiftsMoney Tree PlantMoney Tree PlantMoney Tree PlantMoney Tree Plant Money Tree Plant (Sm) 4inchesMonroe florist Monroeville florist Montana Monterey floristMontgomery floristMoore florist Moore Funeral Home. 1219 North Davis DriveMoore Funeral Homes Address: 1219 N Davis Dr, Arlington, TX 76012More Than Love Bouquet More Than Love Bouquet XX-4604Morgantown florist Morning MelodyMorning MelodyMorning MelodyMorning Sunrise BouquetMost For Mom Roses Long Stem rose vase varietyMost Memorable TributeMother day Charm & Grace BouquetMother Day Flower, Rose, Orchid, Fruit Basket, Tulip, Lily Mother's Day BouquetMother's day Bouquet Mother's Day Flowers GiftMother's day Long Stem Pink RosesMother's Day Roses Mother's DevotionMother's DevotionMother's DevotionMother's Devotion Mother's Grand Bouquet (Vase Variety)Mother's Roses Motherof Pearl-2 roseMother’s Embrace Mount Laurel florist Mugable for Mom Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home 740 S. Edmonds LaneMulti-Colored rosesMulti-Colored RosesMulti-Colored RosesMulticolor Bright Mixed Flower Half Casket CoverMulticolor centerpieceMulticolored RosesMulticolored Roses, 24 StemsMulticolored Roses- Summer's FlowerMulticolored TulipsMulticolored Tulips Just becauseMulticolored Tulips,Multicolored Tulips, 20 Stems Multicolored Tulips, 30 Stems in clear vasemulticolored-rose-bowlMum Planter Basket Mum's the Word! Muncie florist Murray florist My Cup Runneth Over My Darling™ BouquetMy Darling™ BouquetMy First BoutonniereMy Heart Is YoursMy Heart Tulip Bouquet My Little ChickadeeMy Little Chickadee My Little Chickadee My Little Chickadee My Little Chickadee My Little Chickadee My Little Chickadee My Little Chickadee by TelefloraMy Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red RosesMy Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red Roses Myrtle Beach florist Nampa florist Naperville florist Naples florist Nashua florist Nashville floristNatural Wonders BouquetNatural Wonders BouquetNatural Wonders BouquetNatural Wonders BouquetNatural Wonders™ BouquetNaturally Nice BasketNature's Wonder FlowersNebraska nectarine rose Nevada Never Let GoNew Albany florist New Baby BasketNew Baby Boy Celebration New Baby Flowers New Baby Girl Basket New Baby Pink flowers with a balloon bouquetNew Bay Girl BasketNew Castle floristNew Day Spring BouquetNew Dream BouquetNew Hampshire New Haven florist New Jersey New Mexico New Orleans floristNew Sensations- Happy Mother's Day!New Year Centerpiece FlowersNew Year's FlowersNew Year's Flowers GiftsNew Year’s Flowers Gifts 2020New York Newark florist Newark florist Newport florist Newton florist Nitro florist No NameNoblesville florist Norfolk florist Norfolk Island Pine 6 inches SMALLNorman florist North AmericaNorth Augusta floristNorth Carolina North Dakota North Dallas Funeral Home North Little Rock floristNorth Providence florist Norwalk floristNosegay with Roses for PromNurse's Gifts/ Thank You flower MAY-06O TannenbaumOak Park florist Occasions . Occasions Office plants Ogden florist Oh Happy Day! Oh Holy NightOhio Oklahoma Oklahoma City florist Olathe florist Old Fashioned Rose BouquetOlive Branch florist Omaha florist Oncidium orchids 7 Stems One Dozen Valentine Red RosesOne Dozen Boxed RosesOne Dozen Boxed RosesOne Dozen Boxed RosesOne Dozen Brilliant Red RosesOne Dozen CarnationsOne Dozen Daisies Arranged in a Vase One Dozen Long Stem Multicolored RosesOne Dozen Long Stem Multicolored RosesOne Dozen Long Stem Multicolored RosesOne Dozen Long Stem Multicolored Roses One Dozen Long Stem Purple RosesOne Dozen Long Stem Roses with Stargazer Lilies Delivery In IrvingOne Dozen Long Stem Yellow RosesOne Dozen Long Stemmed Red Roses One Dozen Multi-Color RosesOne dozen Pink roses One Dozen red roseOne Dozen Red rose Valentine pick up onlyOne Dozen Red RosesOne Dozen Red RosesOne Dozen Red RosesOne Dozen Red Roses One Dozen Red Roses and VD Teddy Bear One Dozen Red Roses BouquetOne dozen red roses in a clear vase.One dozen red roses in a clear vase.One dozen rosesOne Dozen Roses and Chocolate Only You Ooh LaOmbre BouquetOpen SundayOpulent Orchids Opulent Orchids Opulent Orchids Opulent Orchids BN811GOrange Burst Bouquetorange cross flowerOrange Crush RoseOrange lily basketOrange Lily Bouquet Orange Lily Bouquet Orange Rose Boutonniere Orange Rose Corsage Orange Roses Orange Roses With Curly WillowOrange Roses With River RocksOrange ZestOrange Zest FlowersOrchidOrchid - Purple LGOrchid - White Orchid BouquetOrchid CheerOrchid Cheer Orchid Corsage & Rose Boutonniere Package Orchid EleganceOrchid EmbraceOrchid GardenOrchid OrchardOrchid Plant 4 inchesOrchid white 3 sprays Happy Mother dayOrchidsOrchids Orchids 5 stemsOrchids BasketOrchids Wrist Corsage Oregon floristOrem floristOriental Lilies BouquetOriental Lily Garden Orlando florist Our Hearts Speak to You Standing HeartOur Thoughts and Prayers Are With You.Overland Park florist Owensboro florist P.S. I Love YouP.S. I Love You - Tulips and RosesPachira Money Tree Basket Pacific ParadisePacific ParadisePacific Paradise Arrangement Palm Spring floristPalmer floristPapillion florist Park Avenue CenterpiecePark Avenue CenterpieceParkersburg florist Parma florist Pascagoula florist Passion for Romance Rose Bouquet Passion's Heart Bouquet RosePassion-in-a-Basket RED WHITE ROSEPassionate Purple TulipsPassionate Purple TulipsPassionate Purple TulipsPastel Dreams Pastel Peace BasketPastel Rose Wreath Pastel Roses small sizePastel Standing HeartPastel Sympathy Standing Spray Pastel Sympathy Standing Spray patriotic bouquetPeace & Harmony Juniper BonsaiPeace & Joy Bouquet FlowersPeace lily 8"Peace lily Plant Peace on Earth Bouquet Peace, Love Holiday bouquetPeaceful Garden Basket SympathyPeaceful Garden SprayPeaceful Memories Arrangement FLower funeralPeaceful Memories Arrangement Funeral flowersPeaceful White Lilies BasketPeaceful White Lilies BasketPeach RosesPeach, Orange & White Mixed Half Casket CoverPeak of Freshness Bouquet Peek-a-Bird Bouquet Flowers Peek-a-Bird Bouquet Flowers Pennsylvania Peonies in PinkPeonies in Pink Delivery Irving, TX Available DeliveryPeoria floristPeoria florist Peppermint TulipsPeppermint TulipsPeppermint TulipsPerfect Birthday Gift Bouquet Perfect Clarity Hydrangea Plant Perfect Pastel Roses Perfect Pastel Roses Perfect Peace Dish GardenPerfect Peonies Perfect White LiliesPerfect White LiliesPerfect White LiliesPerfectly PastelPerfectly PastelPerfectly PastelPerfectly PastelPerfectly Pastel BouquetPerfectly-pastel FlowersPeruvian LiliesPetite European BasketPetite European BasketPhalaenopsisPhalaenopsis (3 sprays)Phalaenopsis OrchidPhalaenopsis OrchidPhalaenopsis Orchid Phalaenopsis Orchid Phalaenopsis orchid Phalaenopsis Orchid Phalaenopsis Orchid 6 SpraysPhalaenopsis Orchid PlantPhalaenopsis Orchid PlantPhalaenopsis Orchid purplePhiladelphia florist Philodendron Garden Phoenix floristPink Roses Pink & Red Roses Mother's DayPink & Yellow Lily BouquetPink & Yellow Lily BouquetPink and Red Rose Large BasketPink and White Lilies Pink and White Lilies in VasePink and White Sympathy Standing Spray Pink and White Sympathy Standing Spray Pink and White Sympathy Standing Spray Pink AssortmentPink AssortmentPink Assortment Pink Assortment Pink Assortment Gift basketPink Assortment PlantPink AzaleaPink AzaleaPink AzaleaPink Azalea Pink Bliss BouquetPink Bliss Bouquet Happy Mother's DayPink Butterfly Bouquet FlowersPink Butterfly Bouquet FlowersPink carnations Pink Daisy DelightPink Delight Bouquet Pink Flower bouquetPink Flower BouquetPink flower Sympathypink floyd wholesale-rose-100 stemsPink Inspirations Dish GardenPink liliesPink Lily BouquetPink Lily BouquetPink Lily BouquetPink Lily Bouquet Pink Lily Bouquet Pink Mixture Standing SprayPink Mixture Standing Spray Pink n' Peach Paradise BouquetPink Reverence ArrangementPink Reverence BasketPink RosePink RosePink Rose Corsage Pink Rose Corsage Pink Rose Corsage Pink Rose Corsage Pink Rose Fancy Pink Rose Fireside BasketPink RosesPink RosesPink RosesPink rosesPink RosesPink roses Pink Roses Pink Splendor™ BouquetPink Sympathy Spray Pink Sympathy Standing Spray Pink Sympathy Standing Spray Pink Sympathy Standing Spray Pink Sympathy Standing Spray Pink Tribute SprayPink TulipsPink TulipsPink TulipsPink Tulips Pink Tulips FlowersPink Tulips FlowersPink/White Standing Spray Pitcher Full of Roses Pitcher Full of Tulips Pitcher Full of Tulips Pitcher of Sunshine Pitcher of Sunshine Pittsburgh florist Plano florist Plant and Fruit Gift BasketPlant for Sympathy Plant Gifts Orchid Plants White Glamour OrchidPlants & Planters Plants A-PlentyPlants A-Plenty Plants GalorePlayfully Pink BouquetPleasantly PinkPleasantly PinkPleasantly PinkPleasantly PinkPleasantly PinkPleasantly Pink Plum Crazy for Fall Plum Crazy™ for Fall Pocatello floristPoinsettia Plant Poinsettia Plant in a TotePoinsettia PlanterPoinsettia plantsPOLAR-STAR-ROSE-2Pomegranate WreathPonytail Palm Portland florist Portland florist Portsmouth floristPositively PomponsPositively Pompons Positively Pompons Positively Pompons flowersPossibly PinkPossibly PinkPosy Basket Potomac florist Potted White Orchid Potted Mini Orchid WhitePotted Purple OrchidPotted Purple OrchidPowell florist Prairie Village floristPrairieville florist Precious Heart Bouquet Precious Hot Pink TulipsPrecious Pink Dozen RosesPrecious Pink Dozen Roses Precious Pink TulipsPrecious Pink Tulips Premium Dozen Long-Stemmed RosesPremium Dozen Long-Stemmed Roses Premium Dozen Long-Stemmed Roses PICKUP ONLY! 1228 N. BELT LINEPremium Dozen Roses - Red ValentinePremium Long Stem 24 Pink RosesPremium Long Stem Assorted RosesPremium Long Stem Assorted Roses Premium Long Stem Assorted Roses Premium Long Stem Pink RosesPremium Long Stem Pink Roses Premium Long Stem Pink Roses not available Premium Long Stem Red RosesPremium Long Stem Red RosesPremium Long Stem Red Roses Premium Long Stem Red Roses CongratulationsPremium Long Stem Red Roses in Silver VasePremium Long Stem Red Roses in Silver Vase Premium Long Stem Red Roses ValentinPremium Long Stem Red Roses Valentine's Day DeliveryPremium Long Stem RosesPremium Long Stem White Roses SympathyPremium Red Roses Premium-and-Gourmet-BasketPresentation Bouquet Presentation Bouquet Presentation Bouquet Presentation Bouquet Pretty Bouquet-with red rose Mother DayPretty in PeonyPretty Pink Present Pretty PleasePretty PleasePretty PleasePretty PleasePretty Please Pretty Please Pretty Please Pretty Pumpkin BouquetPretty Pumpkin Bouquet FlowersPromise of Spring Proms - Weddings & Special EventsProvidence florist Provo florist Pumpkin Bouquet Pumpkin DelightPumpkin Patch Bouquet Pumpkins 'N' PosiesPumpkins 'N' Posies™ Pure HappinessPure Heart Funeral/SympathyPure LovePure Romance Rose BouquetPure White Casket SprayPurple Elegance CenterpiecePurple Elegance Centerpiece FlowersPurple Love WristletPurple Medley Bouquet with Roses Purple orchids Purple Phalaenopsis in Basket 3 Stems Purple Promise WristletPurple ReignPurple Reigns Wrist CorsagePurple rosePurple Rose Purple Rose BouquetPurple RosesPurple Roses- Purple TulipsPurple TulipsPurple TulipsPurple Tulips FlowersPurple Tulips FlowersQueen'sQueen's Court Queen's Court FlowersQuiet Tribute Standing SprayRadiant GladiolaRadiant Red Tulips Radiant Riches Bouquet Radiantly Red TulipsRadiantly Red Tulips FlowersRadiantly Red Tulips Flowers Radiantly Rouge BouquetRadiantly Rouge Bouquet-newRadko Ornament Rainbow of Roses Rainbow of Roses Rainbow PresentRainbow Present Rainbow Reflections BasketRainbow Rose Color out stockRainbow Rose Wraped bouquet not availableRainbow WreathRaleigh florist RanunculusRapid City florist Ray of Hope ArrangementRays of Light Spray flowersRaytown florist Razzle-Dazzle Bouquet Red & White bouqet Red & White DelightRed & White Delight lily and roseRed & White Mixed Half Casket CoverRed 1 dozen long stem roseREd 24 long stem roseRed and Pink RoseRed And White Delight Red and white Rose ArrangementsRed and White Sympathy Standing Spray Red and White Sympathy Standing Spray Red and White Sympathy Standing Spray Red Carnations Boutonniere Red Carnations Corsage Red CenterpieceRed Dozen Rose Passion BouquetRed Gerbera CollectionRed Gerbera CollectionRed heart shaped standing wreath sympathyRed Mixed Sympathy Standing Spray Red Mixed Sympathy Standing Spray Red Mixed Sympathy Standing Spray Red Poinsettia Basket Red Poinsettia Basket Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)Red Poinsettia lgRed Regards Casket SprayRed Regards SprayRed Regards WreathRed Regards WreathRed RoseRed RoseRed RoseRed roseRed RoseRed rose Red Rose Red Rose 100 stemsRed rose and lilyRed Rose and Lily Floor BasketRed Rose ArrangementRed Rose Basket Red rose basket Happy Valentines DayRed rose bouquetRed Rose bouquetRed Rose Bouquet Red Rose bouquet Red Rose Bowl Red Rose Corsage Red Rose Corsage Red Rose Corsage Red Rose Corsage Red Rose Fireside BasketRed Rose Half Casket CoverRed rose Sympathy Arrangement Red Rose Tribute VaseRed Rose Valentine RoseRed rose with bear Red RosesRed RosesRed Roses 18 Stems with Chocolate Red Roses 3 dozen redRed Roses Arrangement Basketred Roses BasketRed Roses bouquetRed Roses bouquetRed roses bouquet Red Roses for Mother's DayRed Roses for Mother's DayRed Roses Long Stems 24 rose Red Roses with BearRed Roses with Chocolate Red Rover basketRed Sympathy Flowers Hope and Honor Basket FlowersRed Sympathy Flowers Tender Tribute FlowersRed Tulips Red Tulips FlowersRed Tulips FlowersRed Tulips FlowersRed, White Red, White & Blooms Red, White & Blooms Red, White and Blue Sympathy Standing Spray Red/White Standing Spray Reflections of Love FlowersRegal OrchidsRegal OrchidsRegal OrchidsRemembering ForeverRemembering UsReno florist Renton florist Restland Coppell Chapel Coppell TXRestland Funeral Home and Cemetery Dallas, TXRhode Island Richmond florist Ring of FireRing of Friendship WreathRinged by LoveRio Rancho florist Rochester florist Rockville florist Rodeo DriveRoman HolidayRomance BouquetRomance Bouquet-Delivery In Irving Romance her with Roses Bouquet Love Romance her with roses Wrapped In Roses BouquetRomance of Roses Romance Rose Bouquet Romance Rose Bouquet Rose & Lily BouquetRose - Red Roses with Chocolates Rose -Pink A dozen arranged with baby breathRose and Lily Cube Bouquet Rose and Lily Cube Bouquet Rose and Lily Cube Bouquet Rose and Lily Cube Bouquet Rose and Lily SplendorRose and Lily SplendorRose and Lily SplendorRose and Lily Splendor Rose and Sunflower SplendorRose and sunflower Valentine'sRose and Tulip Bouquet Rose and Tulip Bouquet Rose Bloom BoutonniereRose BouquetRose BouquetRose bouquetRose Bouquet Rose bouquet Valentine BouquetRose ChicRose Couture Bouque MOMRose EleganceRose EleganceRose Elegance bouquetRose Elegance Orange Roses Rose Elegance Premium Dozen Roses - RedRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Purple RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Red RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Red Roses Rose Elegance Premium Long Stem Red Roses Rose Elegance Premium Long Stem White RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem White RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem White RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Yellow RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Yellow RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Yellow RosesRose Elegance Premium Long Stem Yellow Roses Rose Elegance™ Premium Long Stem Pink Roses Rose Elegance™ Premium Long Stem Yellow RosesRose Fireside Basket Rose Garden HeartRose Garden HeartRose Heart Rose Lovers Bouquet™ - One Dozen Red Bear and ChocolateRose Magic ValentineRose Medley FlowersRose Quartz Kisses BouquetRose Quartz Kisses BouquetRose RaptureRose Rapture- Rose RomanceRose RomanceRose RomanceRose Simplicity BoutonniereRose SympathyRose Sympathy Spray Rose Sympathy Standing Spray Rose Sympathy Standing Spray rose_latina 100 StemsRosemary PlantROSESRoses & Fragrant Lilies BouquetRoses and LiliesRoses And RomanceRoses and White OrchidsRoses are PinkRoses for My Queen Roses of Aphrodite Roses Valentine's DayRoses-Romance her with roses - Rosey rose bouquetRoswell florist Rosy Birthday Rouge Romance BouquetRoyal Christmas CenterpieceRoyal Christmas Centerpiece Royal Oak florist Royal RadianceRoyalty orchids arrangements Seven White Phalaenopsis Rubies & Roses Bouquet Ruby ArrayRuby Array Sacramento floristSaint Louis floristSalem florist Salisbury floristSalt Lake City florist San Antonio floristSan Diego floristSan Francisco floristSan Jose floristSan Ramon floristSandy florist Santa ana FloristSanta Barbara floristSanta Fe floristSanta Monica floristSapphire Skies Bouquet FlowersSarasota florist sassy sunflowersassy sunflower xtraSassy SunflowersSassy Sunflowers Satin BouquetSavannah florist Say I Love You Bouquet Say It With SunshineSay Something Sweet Rose BouquetSayYellow Bouquet (1)SayYellowBouquetScottsbluff floristScottsdale floristSearchSearcy floristSeaside CenterpieceSeason's Greetings BouquetSeasonal Flowers GiftsSeattle florist Secret Garden BasketSecretary Day Flowers Delivery in Irving, Las Colinas, Dallas metroSend a Hug Bear Your Heart BouquetSend Flowers Gifts for FriendsSend it Happy Valentines Roses Enduring Passion DXSend Your Love Flowers Valentine Day! Sentimental SurpriseSentimental SurpriseSentimental SurpriseSentimental SurpriseSentimental SurpriseSentimental Surprise Sentimental Surprise Sentimental Surprise Sentiments Bouquet Sentiments Bouquet Sentiments of Serenity Spray Flowers Funeral IrvingSerendipitySerene GreenSerene GreenSerene Green BouquetSerene Green BouquetSerene Green BouquetSerenity OrchidsSerenity WreathSerenity WreathSerenity WreathShades of Beauty Hydrangea Plant Shades of Pink and RedShades of Pink and RedShades of Pink and RedShades of Pink and RedShades of Pink and Red long stem18 roseShades of Pink and Red rose Shades of Pink and Red™ Premium Long Stem RosesShades of PurpleShades Of Purple BouquetShades of Purple bouquetShades of Purple Bouquet Shades of Purple flowerShannon Rose Hill Funeral 7301 East Lancaster, Fort Worth, TXShawnee florist Shining SunflowersShoreline florist Shreveport floristSignature Guest Book Arrangement Silver And Snowflakes Bouquet FlowersSilver Anniversary Wishes Silver Elegance CenterpieceSilver Noel BouquetSilver Noel Bouquet FlowersSilver Spring florist Simple Anthurium Simple Elegance Bouquet Valentine daySimple PerfectionSimple PerfectionSimple Perfection Simple Perfection Bouquet Simple Perfection Bouquet B25-4390Simple Perfection LilySimple Pleasures Simple ThanksSimply Chic Mixed Plant BasketSimply CymbidiumSimply Divine Roses!Simply Divine Roses! Simply Gerberas! Simply Gorgeous Simply Pink Roses Bouquet Simply Sophisticated Bouquet Simply Splendid Bouquet- Happy Mom DaySimply SweetSimply SweetSimply Sweet FlowersSimply Sweet Flowers Simply Sweet Flowers Simply White Flowers Simply White Rose Boutonniere Simply White Roses Bouquet Sioux Falls florist Sitka floristSix Gerbera VaseSix Orange Roses Six Pink RoseSix RoseSix Yellow RoseSkokie florist Sm Bear and Red rose with no vase Small CenterpieceSmall Fields of Europe™ in Green Tin Planter Small Spathiphyllum PlantSmall Spathiphyllum Plant 6"Small Sunshine Small Sunshine and SmilesSmall Sunshine and SmilesSmall Sunshine and SmilesSmall Sunshine BouquetSmiling Spring BasketSmiling Spring BasketSmyrna florist SNOW BLISS ROSESnow FlowersSnowflake TulipsSnowflake TulipsSnowy Night BouquetSo Happy You're Mine Bouquet Society Hill florist Soft Lavender CorsageSolid Pink HeartSorbet BouquetSorbet BouquetSorbet Bouquet Sorbet Roses with Chocolate South Bend floristSouth Carolina South Charleston florist South Dakota South Portland floristSouthaven florist Southern CharmSouthfield florist Sparkle of Christmas Centerpiece Sparkling CelebrationSparkling HeartsSparkling Hearts flowersSparkman-Crane Funeral Home, Dallas, TXSparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home Dallas, TXSparks florist Spath 8 inches Spath Dario 6 inches SpathiphyllumSpathiphyllumSpathiphyllum and DieffenbachiaSpathiphyllum and Dieffenbachia Spathiphyllum and Dieffenbachia plant sympathySpathiphyllum and Dieffenbachia plantsSpathiphyllum Floor Plant.lgSpathiphyllum medimum 8"Spathiphyllum MediumSpathiphyllum PlantSpathiphyllum PlantSpathiphyllum Plant 8"Special a Dozen Red Rose Arrangement Valentine's Day same day pick up Special Offer Sale, LILIES, ROSESSpirit of Spring BasketSpirit of Spring Basket - .Thank YouSpirit of Spring Basket GetwellSpirited Grace Lily BouquetSpirited SpringSpirited SpringSpirited Spring Splendid Day Bouquet Splendid Day BouquetSplendor WreathSpokane florist Spring BeautySpring BouquetSpring BouquetSpring BouquetSpring Bouquet FlowersSpring Bouquets FlowersSpring Daisy BasketSpring Daisy Basket Spring Daisy Tote Spring Daisy Tote Spring DelightSpring Delight Flowers Spring FlowersSpring Flowers GiftsSpring Flowers SeasonalSpring Has Sprung Mixed BasketSpring Hope ArrangementSpring InspirationSpring InspirationSpring InspirationSpring Inspiration Spring Inspiration Spring Inspiration Spring Inspirations BouquetSpring MedleySpring Mix Flowers BouquetSpring Pitcher BouquetSpring Plants And BloomingSpring Remembrance BasketSpring Remembrance Basket Spring rose bouquetSpring Samba Bouquet Spring SpecialSpring Tulip Bouquet vase limit varietySpring Tulip GardenSpring Tulips - YellowSpring Valley florist Springfield florist Springfield florist Springtime Springtime BasketSpringtime Birds Nest of Flowers Springtime Cheer Springtime Jubilee Springtime SurpriseSpringtime SurpriseSpringtime WishesSpringtime Wishes Springtime Wishes Springtime Wishes Basket FlowersSpringville florist St. George florist St. Patrick Day BouquetSt. Patrick Day FlowersSt. Patrick's Day 3/17St. Paul florist St. Petersburg florist Stamford florist Standing SprayStanding Spray & Wreath SympathyStanding Spray Sympathy FuneralStar Bright Centerpiece Christmas centerpiece Star Bright Centerpiece Flowers Christmas centerpiece Star Gazer BouquetStar Gazer BouquetStar Spangled Roses Bouquet Flowers stargazer liliesStargazer Lilies BouquetStargazer Lily bouquetStargazer Lily Bouquet StargazersStarshine™ BouquetStaten Island florist Sterling Heights florist Stowe floristStraight from the HeartStratford floristStriking StargazersStriking Stargazers Stunning Beauty Bouquet Stunning Beauty Bouquet Stunning Beauty Bouquet D12-4192Stunning Beauty Bouquet Irving FloristStunning Blue Iris Stylish ReflectionsSummer Daisy Basket Summer Daisy Basket Summer Daydream BouquetSummer DunesSummer DunesSummer Flower Garden PathwaySummer Garden Summer Garden PlanterSummer in the Park Basket Summer SunflowerSummer's Day FlowersSummer's Plants Deluxe European Garden Basket PlantsSummer's Red Rose Summerburst Bouquet Summers FlowersSummertime Sensation BasketSummertime Sensation BasketSummertime Sensation BasketSummerville florist Sumter florist Sun City floristSun City Summerlin florist Sunday FlowersSunflower BasketSunflower Basket Sunflower Standing SpraySunflower TopiarySunflower Vase Arrangement Sunflower Vase Arrangement SunflowersSunflowersSunflowersSunflowerssunflowers Sunflowers Basket ArrangementSunny and Bright Sunny and Bright flowersSunny Day Bouquet Sunny DaysSunny Day™ BouquetSunny Sentiments Bouquet Sunny Sentiments™ BouquetSunny SideSunny SkiesSunny Skies BouquetSunny Skies BouquetSunny SmilesSunny SmilesSunny SmilesSunny SmilesSunny SmilesSunny SmilesSunny Smiles Sunny Smiles Sunny Smiles Sunny SunflowersSunny SunflowersSunny SunflowersSunny Yellow TulipsSunny Yellow TulipsSunny Yellow TulipsSunny Yellow TulipsSunrise Splendor FlowersSunrise SunflowersSunset Beauty WristletSunset Flower bouquetSunset PassionSunshine and SmilesSunshine and Smiles Flowers Sunshine BasketSunshine Daydream ArrangementSunshine ExpressSunshine ExpressSunshine ExpressSunshine Express BouquetSunshine Sunflower bouquetSunsplashSunsplash Sunsplash FlowersSweet as Sugar Sweet as Sugar FlowersSweet Baby Boy Arrangement Sweet Baby Girl Arrangement Sweet Blossoms Bouquet FlowersSweet BouquetSweet BouquetSweet Dreams Bouquet - Boy - Sweet Dreams Bouquet - Girl Sweet Pinks BouquetSweet Remembrance SpraySweet Sentiment BouquetSweet Sentiment BouquetSweet SentimentsSweet Sentiments Sweet Sentiments FlowersSweet Sentiments Flowers Sweet Surprises Bouquet Sweet Thought Standing SpraySweet Thought Standing SpraySweeter Than Sugar Bouquet Sweeter Than Sugar Lily BouquetSweetest Blooms BouquetSweetest Day 10- 20th Sweetest Day BouquetSweetest Day Large Vase ArrangementSweetest Day Purple BouquetSweetest Love TulipsSweetest Love Tulips, 1 w/td Bear Sweetest Satin Bouquet LG- ROSESweetest ThingSwirling Desire Bouquet ValentinSylish Reflections SympathySympathySympathy BasketsSympathy BouquetSympathy all Pink ArrangementSympathy basketSympathy Basket Sympathy Basket Sympathy Basket Sympathy Basket arrangement of mixed white flowers.Sympathy Basket Florist Designed Sympathy Basket in White Sympathy Basket in White Sympathy Basket in White smSympathy basket of mixed green plants.Sympathy Basket plantsSympathy Blooming Plants Yellow Kalanchoe PlantSympathy Dish Garden Sympathy Fireside Basket Sympathy Floor Arrangement Sympathy Floor Arrangement Sympathy Floor Basket Sympathy Flowers A Dozen Pink Roses FlowersSympathy Flowers and GiftsSympathy Flowers Garden Basket Blooms FlowersSympathy Flowers Home and FuneralSympathy flowers mixed spay arrangementSympathy for the HomeSympathy Gift Sweet Peace BasketSympathy heartSympathy heart Flowers Sympathy HeartsSympathy memorial wreathSympathy Mixed basket of green and white blooming plants.Sympathy Plant 8 inches potSympathy Plants & Gift BasketsSympathy Plants & Gift Baskets >Gourmet Fruit Gift BasketSympathy Plants & Gift Baskets Azalea Attraction Garden Basket PlantsSympathy Plants & Gift Baskets Traditional European Garden Basket PlantsSympathy Plants & Gift Baskets White Garden PlantsSympathy Plants Dish Garden with Pinks PlantsSympathy Plants Dulce Duet PlantsSympathy Plants Medium Spathiphyllum PlantsSympathy Plants Nature's Garden PlantsSympathy Rose in a handled basket.Sympathy Sentiments BouquetSympathy Spathiphyllum plant in a basket 8 inchesSympathy Spray Sympathy Standing SpraySympathy Standing Spray Sympathy standing spray arrangement Sympathy Standing Spray with Roses Sympathy the colorful arrangement an easelSympathy Tribute Red and White BasketSympathy WreathSympathy Wreath Sympathy/Funeral Flowers Tacoma florist Tall plantTampa florist Tannenbaum BasketTannenbaum BasketTeacher Flowers Gifts Tel: 972-513-9800 Order Flowers Irving Valentine's Day We DeliveryTeleflora's All Eyes On You Bouquet - Deluxe Teleflora's Baby BlueTeleflora's BeHappy BouquetTeleflora's Blue BloomsTeleflora's Citrus Sunshine BouquetTeleflora's Elegant EveningTeleflora's Purple Elegance CenterpieceTeleflora's Sweet Violet Bouquet Flowers Teleflora'sSapphireSkiesBouquetTempe floristTender Tulips BouquetTennessee Texas Thank You Thank You BouquetThank You Dish GardenThank You FlowersThank You GardenThank You, Thank You Thankful BasketThanks A MillionThanks-A-LatteThanks-A-LatteThanks-a-Latte Happy Secretarie dayThanksgiving Celebration Centerpiece Thanksgiving CenterpieceThanksgiving Flowers GiftsThe American Dream BouquetThe American Dream Bouquet The Classic Table Centerpiece The Dazzling Dozen "I love you" The Dazzling Dozen "I love you" deluxeThe Expressions of LoveThe Full of Cheer BouquetThe Grand & Glorious Gourmet The Grand & Glorious Gourmet smallThe Heart Bouquet Delivery In Irving The Lakes floristThe Loving Remembrance Basket The Rainbow Bouquet - Multicolored Roses The Sun Blushed BouquetThinking of YouThomas Kinkade Chapel -Thomas Kinkade Santa's Workshop Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Carolers Thomas Kinkade's Old Fashioned Christmas Thoughts of You Bouquet with Red Roses +sm valentine teddy bearThoughts of You Bouquet with Red Roses - Three Dozen Long stem Red RosesThree Dozen Long Stemmed Red Roses Three Dozen Red RosesThree Dozen Red RosesThree Dozen Red Roses Three Dozen Rose Sympathy Standing Spray Three red roses arrive in a clear vase w HVDAY BEARThree-Dozen-Red-Rose-Bouquet Happy BirthdayTickled Pink BouquetTigard florist Tigress BouquetTimeless PastelsTimeless Tribute BasketTimeless Tribute BasketTimeless TulipsTimeless TulipsTimeless TulipsTimeless TulipsTimeless Tulips Timeless Tulips Timeless Tulips Timeless Tulips 20Tivoli Garden Tivoli Garden Toledo floristToms River florist Topeka florist Tote-ally Tote-ally MomTouching Tribute SprayTower of FruitTowering Trend Towson floristTraditional Christmas CenterpieceTraditional Christmas CenterpieceTraditional Gladiolus Tranquility PlantsTreasured Memories ArrangementTrenton florist Triple Delight Rose Bouquet Triple Touch of Eleganc 3 Dozen RosesTriumphant TriangleTriumphant Triangle flowers funeral Tropical BeautyTropical dish-garden-with-fresh-cut-flowers-plant-basket-Tropical Flower Arrangement Tropical Paradise Casket SprayTropical ReflectionsTropical Treasures ArrangementTropicals & Exotics True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses ValentineTualatin floristTucson floristTulipTulip and Iris Bouquet Tulip and Purple Iris BouquetTulip BouquetTulip BouquetTulip Rainbow tulips (assorted colors)Tulips and PineTulips and Pine FlowersTulips BouquetTulips bouquetTulips EntwinedTulsa floristTupelo floristTuscaloosa floristTwenty four roses Two Dozen Red RosesTwo Dozen Long Stem Pink Roses Mother's DayTwo Dozen Long Stem RosesTwo Dozen Long Stem Exotic Pink RosesTwo Dozen long stem Red Roses Two Dozen Long Stem RosesTwo Dozen Long Stemmed Pink Roses Two dozen mixed roses Two Dozen Mixed Roses in basketTwo Dozen Mother's Day Multicolored Roses Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesTwo Dozen Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesTwo Dozen Premium Long Stem Red RosesTwo Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses ValentineTwo Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses ValentineTwo Dozen Red & White Roses Two Dozen Red RosesTwo Dozen Red RosesTwo Dozen Red RosesTwo Dozen Red RosesTwo Dozen Red Roses Two Dozen Red Roses Two Dozen Red Roses -christmas Vase varietyTwo Dozen Red Roses for Mother's DayTwo Dozen Red Roses Valentine's DayTwo Dozen Red Roses with Chocolate Two Dozen Red Roses with Chocolates & BearTwo Dozen Rose Sympathy Standing Spray Two Dozen Roses Two Dozen Roses AnniversaryUltimate Birthday BundleUltimate Birthday Bundle Ultimate Elegance Long Stem Pink & Red RoseUltimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesUltimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesUltimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesUltimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted Roses Ultimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Assorted Roses Ultimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Red RosesUltimate Elegance Premium Long Stem Red Roses Valentine Ultimate Elegance Premium Long Stem White RosesUltimate Elegance™ Premium Long Stem White Roses Ultimate Elegance™ Premium Long Stem White Roses New Year'sUnder the Vine Planter Union floristUniquely ChicUniquely Chic BouquetUniquely Chic BouquetUnited states floristUpsy DaisyUpsy DaisyUpsy DaisyUpsy DaisyUpsy-Daisy! Utah V-Day Great DateValentin Red Roses BouquetValentin Rose RaptureValentine Combo Offers SPECIAL ORDERValentine Long Stem Red Rose BouquetValentine Long Stem Red Rose BouquetValentine Magic Delivery Pick up only IrvingValentine Red Roses Beauty - 3 Dozen Long Stemmed RosesValentine Rose bouquetValentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #1Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #10Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #2Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #3Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #4Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #5Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #6Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #7Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #8Valentine SPECIAL Combo PACKAGE #9Valentine Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Assorted RosesValentine Ultimate Elegance Long Stem Pink and Red RosesValentine's Day Roses Valentine's Day BouquetValentine's Day BouquetValentine's Day Red 1 Dozen Long Stem RosesValentine's Day Roses Orchids Tulips Valentine's Day Tulips BouquetValentine's Flowers Gifts Valentine's Red TulipsValentine's Rose Elegance Premium Long Stem Red RosesValentine's Two Dozen Premium Long Stem Red Roses ValentinePinkand Red Rose BouquetValentines Day Rose Valentines Day Shades of Pink and RedVancouver floristVase Arrangement Vase Arrangement with LiliesVermont Very Violet BouquetVibrant Basket Arrangement Vibrant Sympathy Wreath Vibrant Yellow BasketVictorian RomanceVictorian RomanceVictorian RomanceVietnamse Funeral FlowersVintage Greetings TreeVirginia Virginia Beach floristVisions Of Love BouquetVivid RecollectionsWarm and WonderousWarm Thoughts ArrangementWarm WishesWarmest WishesWarmest Wishes Warmest Wishes Warren floristWarwick floristWashington Washington, DC Wasilla floristWaterloo florist Watertown florist Waukesha florist Wauwatosa florist Wayzata floristWe Decor Wedding Car We Fondly Remember WreathWe OPEN Delivery! 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624 E 2nd St, Irving, TX
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